
At The Healing Approach, we do Gravity Colonics.

What is a Gravity Colon Irrigation?

A Colonic Irrigation using the Woods Gravitational Method is an internal bath using purified water that helps cleanse the entire 5 feet of the large intestine of poisons, gas and accumulated fecal matter.

Unlike an enema (which only cleanse the first 18 inches of the colon) it does not involve the retention of water, just a steady flow of water flow in and out of the colon. At the same time an abdominal massage is given to stimulate the colon to recover its natural shape, tone and peristaltic wave action. The Woods Gravity Method is a closed system. There may be minimal discomfort, light abdominal cramping.

Contradictions:  (You do not qualify for Colon Hydrotherapy) Severe Cardiac Disease (Uncontrolled Hypertension or Congestive Heart Failure), Fissures/Fistulas, Sever Anemia, GI, Hemorrhage, Active Cancer under Radiation or Chemo Therapy, Cirrhosis, Carcinoma of the Colon, Aneurysm, Advanced Pregnancy, Abdominal Hernia, Recent Colon Surgery, Renal Insufficiency.

Benefits of Colon Cleansing:

By decreasing the amount of waste in the bowels the body effectively cleanse its tissues, organs and bloodstream. As we become “cleaner” we notice many positive changes f rom increased energy and cleaner thinking to vibrant health and vitality.

— Relieves Constipation

— Weight Loss

— Reduces Fatigue

— Lowers Blood Pressure

— Body Detoxification

— Fever Therapy

Constipation is a very common problem caused by 7 or more contributing factors. 

— Poor, unhealthy diet

— Not drinking enough water

— Lack of fiber in diet

— Not going to the restroom every time you feel the urge to, thus training your colon to

be constipated

— Prescription medicines

— Lack of exercise

— Parasite Infestation

If the issues of constipation are not addressed and taken seriously then many other health issues can arise, such as diverticulitis and colon cancer. Always be conscious of what you put into your body and what your body needs for vitality.

What to expect during your session:

Your 1st session will take approximately 1hr 10min, we start your session by setting an intention. We then move into a 10 min gentle abdominal massage to help relax the large intestines from stress and anxiety, the gastrointestinal tract is sensitive to emotion. Anger, anxiety, sadness, elation – all of these feelings (and others) can trigger symptoms in the gut. A troubled intestine can send signals to the brain, just as a troubled brain can send signals to the gut. Therefore, a person’s stomach or intestinal distress can be the cause or the product of anxiety, stress, or depression. That’s because the brain and the GI system are intimately connected. My massage technique will benefit your session by relaxing you and your intestines. I then move into your gravity colon irrigation.

“The very best of diets can be no better than a very worst, if the sewage system of the colon is clogged with collection of waste and corruption.”

Why Gravity & Not a Machine?

— There are essentially two methods of Colonic Hydrotherapy: the pressurized or machine method, or the Gravity Method. The Co-Founders of DTX Cellular Evolution have chosen the Gravity Method Colonic because they believe in the gentle power of gravity. As practicing colon therapists since 2001, they have experienced both methods, and find gravity-centered colonics deliver the best results. We encourage you to do your own comparison!

The Simplicity and Ease of Gravity

— The Gravity Method is the original method of colon hydrotherapy. The body is more receptive to the gentle flow of water via natural means.

— During the colonic session, your colon hydrotherapist directs the treatment in unison with the water.

— Most people, who are new to colonics, feel that the process is much easier and more relaxing than they anticipate.

The Mechanics of a Gravity Method Colonic

— There is a 5-gallon tank of water suspended 3 feet above your body, which will be filled several times during the session.

— As the water enters your body it will simultaneously exit, thus allowing you to feel an emphasis on the exit rather than the input of water.

— Your elimination is contained in a closed tube, and you will be covered with a drape sheet for privacy. Each DTX colon therapist is trained to support you and help you feel comfortable during your session.